We Love You Dad

2022 Los Angeles Mayoral Election

This project came out of a conversation with Greg Caruso, Rick's son. We wanted to collaborate and show a different side of Rick Caruso and let his genuine personality shine through effortlessly. We started with home videos from the 90s and it was a perfect fit, seeing him through their family camcorder as a dad was the path we then decided to take. Greg wrote and narrated a script he had written for this video, and we matched it to an uplifting musical score that seemed to convey a sense of hopefulness for the city of Los Angeles.

End Results

Mr. Caruso enjoyed the video so much he requested it to run until the end of the campaign as his final digital push. The 30-second cut was aired on live TV across Southern California for a week straight and saw double the impressions they normally receive from their commercials.

Ready to Work?

