4 Weeks
Brand Development
4 Weeks
Brand Development
Hacker Culture Comes Alive


We undertook an exciting project to create video content that reinforces the brand and culture of Hackerbay, a prominent German software company specializing in big data analytics. With a unique approach that leverages their global network of skilled hackers, Hackerbay completes software projects for large tech companies. Our objective was to develop video content that captures the essence of their brand, showcases their expertise, and highlights their innovative hacker community. Through compelling storytelling, engaging visuals, and authentic testimonials, we aimed to convey Hackerbay's commitment to excellence, agility, and cutting-edge technology. By showcasing their talented team and successful project collaborations, we sought to position Hackerbay as a trusted partner for large tech companies in need of advanced software solutions.


The goal of this project is to create video content in the vibrant city of Berlin that challenges the conventional tech commercial idea and infuses it with underground culture, creating a fresh and unique perspective. By embracing the city's creative energy and incorporating elements of its underground culture, we aim to produce video content that breaks free from the traditional tech commercial mold, capturing attention, sparking curiosity, and positioning the brand as a trailblazer in the industry.


To achieve our goal of creating unique and unconventional video content, we devised a solution that involved incorporating the art of Banksy and other street artists around Berlin to tell a compelling story. We envisioned a central character who goes on a journey of self-discovery, realizing that they don't need a traditional 9-5 job. Inspired by the vibrant street art and the city's underground culture, the character embraces the freedom of working as a hacker and traveling the world on their own terms. By weaving together visually striking scenes of the character interacting with the art, coupled with captivating storytelling, we aim to convey the message that Hackerbay offers a new way of approaching work and life. This solution not only challenges the traditional tech commercial idea but also celebrates the spirit of individuality, freedom, and non-conformity. By showcasing the character's transformation and the global hacker community, we empower viewers to reconsider their own career paths and embrace a more unconventional and flexible approach to work.

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